My Wordy Blog: Desperately Seeking Shelly :: My Blog O'Deep Thoughts: A Change Will Do Me Good

Sunday, October 28, 2007

the sockless wonder

things are going well for the webers--i got slightly less sleep last night than i had hoped for (the big breastfeeding downfall--no one to pinch hit for nighttime feedings, although steve did offer to try....yuck haha!). i got a fab nap this afternoon though so that has recharged the batteries a bit! steve is an awesome help--he's been doing all amelie related duty and taking her out and treating her like a queen which is further cementing him in her heart as the fun parent! here's another picture of her famous little miss cheesecake smile!

in other news, maevey baby had her first bath by mama today--i learned:
a. amelie is totally jealous of me giving the baby baths
b. she thinks the tiny baby tub is HERS (thank goodness daddy was available to give her a bath in the big girl tub....)
c. i am woefully out of practice at handling a newborn, water, towels, etc..
d. it's hard to wash a baby before their gross belly button thingy falls off
(btw maeve's belly button thingy is HUGE, i asked the doctor about it b/c it's gross and weird, she assured me it was big but normal, i'd post a picture but that seems an invasion of privacy =-)

maeve also shares an interesting condition with her sister--it's called, "i have one big foot and one little foot" syndrome. amelie's right foot is like half a size larger then her left foot and maeve's right foot is her small one! i didn't figure this out until about 3 days of trying to keep socks on her--the sock on the tiny foot refuses to stay on. i've documented this phenomenon with pictures....

steven's family is coming over tonight for a visit so i think i'll brush my hair--yep, that's really as exciting as my day as gotten! ha! i'm soaking up the rest and relaxation as soon i will be helper-free and on my own! yikes!


BluSkies80 said...

love the foot picture-too cute!

Emily said...

yes- one sock wonder! Thank goodness for footed nighties, right? :)

Anonymous said...

Isabelle umbilical cord stub was big and stuck out tremendously. I was so happy when it fell off! So don't her bully button looks like normal; it's even an "inny"! I have a ridiculously difficult time keeping socks on Isabelle, not because she has different sized feet, but because both of her feet are so skinny but long! Glad to hear things are going well. Your girls are precious!

Sheri said...

Oh how cute- no socks!:) What great wonders you have....Does she have an umbilical hernia or is it just the cord? Sammy had an umbilical hernia, and it looked really gross for a while....most of the time I think umbilical hernias get better on there own...Sammy's eventaully did, it jsut took a while...course my guess is if the Dr didn't mention it, its probably nothing more than the cord:)

I did an internship at Chop the summer after graduation (summer 2001) and I started working there shortly after...(actually my first day of "real" work was 9/ was crazy) I stayed there till Auguest 2002 when I moved to Chicago for Grad school....Its a WONDERFUL hospital. (I had wanted to do education in the hospital setting....maybe someday...) I worked as a child Life specialist....generally speaking my job was to help children and their families through the hospital stay, procedures, teaching through play therapy, sibling support...etc... My internship was on the oncology and PICU floors (the emphasis was different there, there was a lot of grieving and breevement) and then the next year I worked on a renal and pulmonary floor (lot of Asthma, CF and dialysis...)

Anyways, if you ever have to be in the hospital for anything Child Life specialist are great....they can help you with as simple things as getting a mobile or taking a break.....or bigger issues if needed.....