My Wordy Blog: Desperately Seeking Shelly :: My Blog O'Deep Thoughts: A Change Will Do Me Good

Monday, August 13, 2007

moody monday

we had a lovely lazy day as a family yesterday and even all got to take a nap at the same time, what a treat! we're trying to pack in a lot of fun time with amelie as very soon our lives will all profoundly change!
the moving countdown is on, the walls are bare and we're excited about things to come. i've decided that once life gets settled a bit amelie and i are going to have to start a new routine--i feel as though i'm the only one around with no family to hang out with during the day and it gets lonely, i've lived away from all my family for 10 years now and it's not getting any easier--maybe if i get brave enough to start attending new baby-related activities or start something up on my own. i don't know, we'll see how life with a toddler AND a newborn AND breastfeeding goes...

5 reasons why amelie is fabulous
1. she is always happy to see me
2. she has learned to eat, talk, walk, jump, count, love, laugh and a million other things in just 2 years--it's a pretty amazing, if only we could get her to embrace potty training!
3. she knows exactly how to make me laugh and that i can't resist her huge "cheese" smile
4. she has an awesome memory and is starting to get really creative--even drawing pictures that kind of look like what she wants them too (apples and bananas are her specialty)
5. every time i look at her i am in awe of how awesome our Creator is and that He found me adequate to raise such a sweet girl

top 5 list of amelie's most over-used phrases:
1. i'll be right back! (she says this every time she leaves the room)
2. i need a diaper change! (self explanatory)
3. excuse me, i'm sorry! (she must hear me say this when we're shopping, so now she says it almost every time she walks by us)
4. come and see mommy!
***and my favorite of all***
5. my toes hurt. (i don't know how this one started, everytime she touches something with her feet--she says her toes hurt!)


Sheri said...

First congrats on deciding what to do with the move- at least having a plan helps even if its only a little....

Second I sooo understand the fam situation.....I know people that live close to family have difficulties too and sometimes they feel as if they live too close, but man, I wish we lived closer...even simple things like trying to go to a yearly apt with my OB/GYN becomes a huge undertaking-Jon can never get out early enough for me to make any apts, and seriously can you imagine stirups and a toddler? I know once we meet more people, it will get easier- but that takes time- really several months..... and its not the same as having your mom help when you need her.....ahhhhhh
and second we had a family nap yesterday too!! WOO HOO - I rarely nap unless I am sick (which I think I have been on the brink of) and it was something!:)

Anyways, hang in there the next few months- wish I lived closer too and could help....but hey maybe someday-

Shelly said...

sheri--i know what you mean about yearly appts and even if you have a cold--it's impossible to go to the dr's! i'm lucky that steve has a flexible job and is close to the doctor's office if i have to go, there's always something though! and it does take time to make friends and feel at home when you've moved--it seems too that a lot of times people our age are going through transitions of their own--new jobs, moving etc--it's hard to feel settled at times. i'm so thankful for my little family--i feel at home no matter where i am when i'm with them=-) i'm sure you feel the same way!