My Wordy Blog: Desperately Seeking Shelly :: My Blog O'Deep Thoughts: A Change Will Do Me Good

Friday, August 17, 2007

1 week to go!

* 1 week until the big move
** amelie thought the spackle that i was filling holes in with yesterday was yogurt and was following me around saying, "pleaseeeeeeeeee can i have the pink yoggie??" i failed to convince her that it wasn't yogurt and even offered her real yogurt which she rejected.
*** my belly is getting huge, startlingly copious at times, i can no longer paint my toe nails--they look shabby and i barely fit in the tub
**** i am addicted to ebay--seriously, is there a support group or something that i could join?
***** though my house is mostly spotless, the interior of my car is embarrassingly dirty (2 month old goldfish anyone?)....urgh, i shudder just thinking about it
***** i literally think that amelie gets cuter every single day, if she continues at this rate i soon will no longer be able to look at her (notice i didn't say she gets sweeter everyday...ha!)


charmed1 said...

You and I can start an ebay support group. I have so much stuff that I bought from ebay. It is very addictive. I think they made it that way on purpose! :)

Anonymous said...
