for some unknown reason, amelie decided to play slumber party until 11 last night...i say 11, b/c that's when i officially gave up hope and went to bed, so it was probably a little later! hopefully she will sleep in this morning!
so, what's new with the weber family? not a whole heck of a lot. i've been playing cool and keepin' it on the DL (that's down low for all ya'll out there who aren't in the know) but there have been some "complications" with our moving plans. aug. 1 we contacted the housing manager to sign our lease and he informed us that the lady who lives in the apart. and was in the process of vacating when we looked at it has decided to stay another 6-9 months or so.....the great thing about NJ is that renters are protected by law and can not be kicked out for not signing their lease (Which is good news for us as we have not re signed our lease due aug 31). anywho, apparently also the same day another lady at the complex has decided to move out and she lives in a single which is what our original crazy lady said she would actually like to move into....so the following things need to happen in order for our move to work:
1. second lady needs to move to florida, within the next 2 weeks with a hopefully clean apartment that crazy lady can move in to
2. crazy lady has to agree to move into a single room apart.
3. after she moves they need to totally paint, re carpet, re light fixture, re bath re everything the apartment before we move in
4. september is only...uh, 25 days away
oh yeah, and my house is already half packed and i am a million months pregnant.
are you kidding me?i suppose there is also the possibility that we can hold off on moving until oct 1 but extending our lease (at an exorbitant rate) for 1 month and hope that all the details are worked out by then. of course, by oct 1 i could in all probability have had m.v.w. already, so that would be fun--moving on zero sleep with a newborn and a toddler who has to adjust to not only a new sibling but a new home in the same week or so...
i would like to end on this note, which is the cry of my heart, the lyrics to a song that is mysteriously stuck in my head these last 4 days as i wait on the edge of my seat:
Do I Trust You Lord?Sometimes my little heart can’t understand
What’s in Your will what’s in Your plan
So many times I’m tempted to ask You why
But I can never forget it for long
Lord what You do could not be wrong
So I believe You even when I must cry
Do I trust You Lord does the robin sing
Do I trust You Lord does it rain in Spring
You can see my heart You can read my mind
And You’ve got to know I would rather die
Than to lose my faith in the One I love
Do I trust You Lord