My Wordy Blog: Desperately Seeking Shelly :: My Blog O'Deep Thoughts: A Change Will Do Me Good

Friday, July 13, 2007

friday--here already?

this week has gone very quickly! we've been busy but i've definately begun to feel like we're on our own--we had very full days throughout the school year with me working part time and now we have a LOT of time on our's fab to be with amelie who is such a big girl she's a breeze to who will entertain the mama? i think that will be m.v.w.'s job in the fall! we're still prepping the house for her arrival and rearranging things which is very exiciting!

i had a dr's appt. yesterday and it seems as though everything is going along smoothly--no news is good news! i've officially gained 5 pounds so far--can't wait to see how much i store away in the next few months--big YIKES!

we've brought a lot of amelie's baby things out of storage and some of her old toys too--much to her delight! i asked if i could take her picture today and she said she wanted it with her house so here it is!


Anonymous said...

Are you telling me that you're approximately 6 months preggo, and you've only gained 5 pounds so far???? This is Risha by the way...

Glad to hear everything's going so well!

Shelly said...

that WOULD be impressive if it weren't for the 35 pounds i gained with amelie and never lost....ha!

Sheri said...

I was thinking the same thing...only 5lbs!!!?? but as long as you and the baby are healthy, right? Have a great weekend!

Megan and Company said...

You officially gained 5 lbs?

I officially can no longer be near you until after these children arrive. ;)

I've officially decided the child I'm carrying is NO LESS than 30lbs and will be breaking all sorts of records.

Shelly said...

don't say that megan! we misssss you ;-) if you add the amelie weight gain i'm up to 40--does that suit everyone? that's more then enough, ha! =-)