My Wordy Blog: Desperately Seeking Shelly :: My Blog O'Deep Thoughts: A Change Will Do Me Good

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

tuesday part 2

we did end up going to the park and i'm so glad we did! it's beautiful outside and not too hot! the park was slightly damp and amelie found all of the puddles but she enjoys splashing so she was in 7th heaven! unfortunately we were plagued with the antics of an "overparenting" mother--you know the kind that tells their kid in nine million steps everything they should do at every moment? first the slide then the swings--the boy was at least a year older then amelie and she was giving him such detailed swinging instructions i think i wouldn't be able to swing under the pressure! arms straight! legs up! legs down! don't let go! (little boy--"i have an itch" mom--"I'll scratch your itches" and then pokes his eye out with her fingernail--let the kid scratch his own itches! sheesh!) legs up! legs down! listen to me! don't look up! elbows straight! you know what you're doing--so do it!
oh my gosh, it never's amazing that some people can even make swinging at the park stressful!
other then that--it was fab =-) and we got to see steven which is an added bonus b/c he's our favorite! here's amelie on the slide of mud and fun!
sliding amelie

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BluSkies80 said...

hannah loved watching amelie slide and keeps asking to see it again=)

Anonymous said...

That kind of mom stinks! I love Amelie at the bottom of the slide when she squishes her feet in the puddle! THAT rocks!

Megan and Company said...

Glad you had a good day! Sorry we missed the puddles, Josh would have LOVED that. I'm hoping to dunk him in the big, inground puddle next door this afternoon. ;)