My Wordy Blog: Desperately Seeking Shelly :: My Blog O'Deep Thoughts: A Change Will Do Me Good

Saturday, June 14, 2008

So Re{A}warding

I'm so glad almost all of our family was able to come to A's recital!

It was fun to see everyone and to bond with them over the misfortune of A's non-dance routine.

The whole Jersey fam except for Uncle Ryan (with Uncle Jon's head poorly photo-shopped in b/c he was standing int he corner and I wanted him to feel included =)) and my Mother and Future Sister in Law Amy from NY!
Rosebud rec. her medal! (she's been wearing it for a good 12 hours straight!)
Her class!
The joy on her face is priceless =)

the video of A rec. her medal!

1 comment:

Ree said...

She definitely has the bows down!!