My Wordy Blog: Desperately Seeking Shelly :: My Blog O'Deep Thoughts: A Change Will Do Me Good

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

it's elmo!

what a longggggggggg weekend without the internet--we just got dial up and are waiting for verizon to figure out our dsl, let me just say, i miss comcast! anywho, amelie got a new doctor kit which she adores and she was so excited about it she asked me to take a picture--so here it is!.

here's baby weber's update for this week--we find out what type of weber we're having tomorrow! I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited I might burst and am just hoping that his/her legs are cooperative!

Week 20
Your Baby's Development

The 20th week is an important time for Baby's sensory development, as nerve cells serving each of the senses (taste, smell, hearing, seeing, and touch) are now developing into their specialized area of Baby's brain. As these existing nerve cells get bigger and make more complex connections with each other, the brain's production of additional nerve cells will slow.

Believe it or not, you're halfway there on the journey toward holding your new baby! Your little one now weighs about nine to 12 ounces and has grown to about six to eight inches in length. She's come a long way since her first days as a microscopic collection of cells, but has a lot more growing to do—remember, the average newborn is 18 to 21 inches long and weighs six to nine pounds at birth.

Other baby developments this week include:
Under the protective vernix coating, Baby's skin will continue to develop into three layers: the dermis, epidermis and subcutaneous layers.

Baby's nails and hair will continue to grow.

Baby's heartbeat will be stronger now, and will beat about twice as fast as your heart. You can hear it this week through a stethoscope.

Baby will take up more and more space in the uterus, and her continued growth will put more pressure on your lungs, stomach, bladder, and kidneys.


Megan and Company said...

Can't wait to find out. I'm bummed we'll be away all day and have to wait till the evening. Happy ultrasounding!!

Becky said...

oooh! I can't wait to find out! I have to make sure I check in! When will you know exactly?

Shelly said...

we can't wait to find out either! my appt. is 3:30 so we probably won't be back home to post the news until dinner time--i can't wait! did i already say that? ha!

Megan and Company said...

Umm.. just so you know. I'll be calling from the road, every 10 minutes, starting at about 5. Kay?

Sheri said...

YEAH!!!!! I love those apts!! ENJOY THE SHOW!!!