My Wordy Blog: Desperately Seeking Shelly :: My Blog O'Deep Thoughts: A Change Will Do Me Good

Sunday, September 9, 2007

5 and i'm stayin' alive

yay! it's sunday! we're getting closer and closer to friday and our new apartment. we had a nice weekend--with a visit to the aquarium--it was awesome! we went early saturday morning and there were hardly any people there--it was the perfect time to go and amelie had a great time! it has changed A LOT since i was there last and there were a lot of new/interesting exhibits.
we went to church this morning and i got to attend children's church since amelie is going through some major separation anxiety--it was good, i got to brush up on my hand motion knowledge for various songs and on my glue stick ability.

amelie rec. her halloween costume this weekend and looks wicked cute as a lady bug. granny also bought a special surprise costume for m.v.w.--she is going to be a pea in a pod---wicked cute as well.
amelie inspired a babiesrus run today--we've been having a hard time laying her down for a nap on the weekends and today she jumped out of her crib, ran to the door and into mama's room for a nap. she laid down with me and luckily was out in literally 2 minutes--so i quietly crept out of the room and she slept for two hours in our bed. she later woke up, found mama's cookies, ate some, came downstairs--removing all gates in her path and said, "hi mommy!" so apparently she is a big girl now with crib jumping ability so, we bought her a special crib tent in hopes to keep her inside. we'll see how tonight goes--i'm a little scared!! hopefully it's not too ugly and we all get some sleep. i'm looking forward to saturday when we can set up her big girl bed which she will be able to get out of without killing herself! yikes!


charmed1 said...

You definitely know it's time for a bed when they're crib jumping :)

Sheri said...

oh dear.....big girl beds....Sammy hasn't climbed out of the crib yet, but I have caught him climbing up and almost over the gate......ahhhhhh...good luck:) I may need your advice in the next year:)