My Wordy Blog: Desperately Seeking Shelly :: My Blog O'Deep Thoughts: A Change Will Do Me Good

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Wish List With A Side of Hmm?!?

I'm throwing an "almost birthday" party shindig for my girls--
Maeve is 1 at the end of Oct. and Amels is 4 at the end of Dec...and I'm not really a party person but I thought it would be fun to have their little friends over during the season of warmish weather for a little outdoor fun--
So, I asked Amelie what she would like for her birthday and she replied:
1. Barbie Princess Bike
2. Barbie Princes 'Puter (computer) with NEW batteries
3. Barbie Toilet Paper
WHAT? Where on earth did she get that idea?
Oh, and in case you were curious, as I was, I looked up Barbie toilet paper under yahoo images and this is what I found:

I swear my Grandma or someone else I knew, back in the day, had one of these "Fancy" Barbie toilet paper covers. They're genius man, pure genius!

1 comment:

Madre said...

MANY years ago, amel's great grannie A had made one of those barbie t-paper holders for me!!!! (of course she knitted the outfit for her and it was purple and pink!)