urgh, it is disgusto outside today--so humid, cloudy, hot...bleh! we were at the park for a little while this morning and i'm pretty sure my face and a few other body parts literally melted off of me. bleck! Praise the Lord it's supposed to rain tonight and cooler weather is on the way! hip hip horray!!! this pregnant lady has some fall maternity wear she hasn't been able to break out yet =-) (although, i will say that i wasn't hoping that i'd make it this far!)
anywho, the biggest and best news today is that we were able to meet baby leah and see her mama--she's a perfect little pearl--i can't wait to see her learn and grow alongside our other kiddos!
and yeah....she's still in there. here is what is keeping maeve so busy that apparently she just doesn't have time yet to make an appearance:

Your Baby's Development
Even as late as the 39th week, there is one part of your Baby's body that hasn't quite finished developing: the two soft spots on your baby's head called the fontanels, where the skull bones haven't yet joined together. These areas allow the flexible skull bones to bend, without damaging the brain, as Baby travels down the birth canal. Because of the strength of the contractions during labor, many newborn heads look elongated or cone-shaped right after birth. The bones will return to their round shape within a few days after birth. During Baby's first year the skull will harden; by 18 months, the soft spots on Baby's head will have completely disappeared.
Other last-minute developments continue:
Baby's skeleton continues to develop. Your baby now has 300 bones (about 100 more than an adult does, since some bones fuse together as the child grows).
Hope you aren't too exhausted! DUH...of course you are. It is coming so quickly! Love you!
I'm sure that she will make her appearance shortly. I think she's just messing with you :)
Hey Michelle, I just got a birth announcement from a friend who had a 11 lbs 3 oz baby!!! You had better start doing some of those oh so fun tricks to get her out:) You know....walk, eat spicy foods, do the baby dance:) wink wink..... ha ha...totally kidding and really not that funny!!! In all seriousness, isn't it great that the Lord has already determined her birthday!!!! Too bad He doesn't share his secrets:)
Have a great day!
you and you're silly blog titles :)
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